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Why Treating Black Triangles and Gapped Teeth with Composite is NOT The Best Idea

black triangle teeth

Get access to the best and most affordable treatment for black triangles and gapped teeth. The best method for closing gapped teeth includes the all-encompassing Invisalign solution. Black triangles in teeth, also known as gingival embrasures, cause embarrassment and a lack of confidence. No one wants large black gaps between their teeth that are highly […]

Keep your Mouth Less Acidic with Alkaline Foods

Eating fresh vegetables will make your mouth less acidic

Spring is here, which means more activity and more outdoor activities. Snacking on the right foods will keep you moving, drinking water will keep you hydrated, and switching to more alkaline-based foods will keep your mouth less acidic. Acidic drinks and foods are your foremost enemies of good oral health, and eating foods and beverages […]

Why You Need to Avoid D-I-Y Orthodontics & Dentistry

diy dentist

Why moving your own teeth without a dentist is a bad idea Wouldn’t it be great if you could not go to the dentist and “straighten your teeth” at home? Instead of driving to a dentist’s office, you just grab a pair of paperclips, wrap them around your teeth, and voilà, you just re-invented braces… […]

At-Home Oral Care During Covid-19 Lock-Down is Low

Oral Home Care

People are staying home and shutting in since another mandatory stay-at-home order is in effect. Unfortunately, some folks think that less contact with others means they can miss a few brushings. Even though you are practicing social distancing does not mean that you should stop caring about your oral hygiene. We know, it’s easier to […]

Tips for a Healthier Halloween

healthy teeth during Halloween

Halloween treats are fine once a year when eaten in moderation. Globs and Globs of Halloween candy will get you in the dentist’s chair quick. Halloween week is one of the busiest times for dentists due to Halloween related- dental injuries. Usually, a tooth is broken or damaged from biting down on hard candies. The […]

Calming Anxiety At The Dentist’s Office

calming dental anxiety 32 pearls tacoma

The first thing that you need to know is that almost everybody has anxiety about going to the dentist. It’s very normal. The best thing to do is to talk to your dentist about it. Your family dentist at 32pearls knows that anxiety is on top of most patient’s minds, and they have a plan […]

The Risks of Periodontal Disease

You may be among the nearly fifty percent of adults in The United States that suffer from some form of periodontal disease. The disease ranges from mild inflammation to severe tissue and bone involvement. In the worst cases, people lose their teeth. Whether your condition is cured or not depends almost entirely on how you […]