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Teeth Whitening Procedure at 32 Pearls Seattle

Teeth whitening is a wonderful process to bring back the original shine and brightness of your teeth after years of discoloration. An in-office visit with 32 Pearls will whiten your teeth in a comfortable setting, maximize the natural beauty, health, and appearance of your smile.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Most people, at any age, eventually notice a mild to moderate discoloration in their teeth. Even if you brush and floss regularly, the white of your teeth tarnish from foods, caffeine, smoking, and even certain medications can all be to blame for the brownish rusty look.

There are several reasons for tooth discoloration. We’ve listed a few here that can explain more.

  1. As mentioned above, food, caffeine, and wine are the number one problem that causes tooth discoloration. Even foods like ketchup, mustard, tomato sauce can cause discoloration along with black grapes, chocolate, and candy. 
  2. Acidic foods and chromogens are to blame for the color pigment that attaches to the enamel part of your teeth.
  3. Nicotine is colorless, but once it mixes with oxygen, it turns yellow and makes teeth stain.
  4. Medications such as antihistamines, antipsychotics, and high blood pressure prescriptions produce a darker color on the surface of your teeth.
  5. Injuries or blows to your mouth weakens enamel, similar to bruising, and can directly affect the color of your teeth.
  • According to Statista, a U.S. Census data company, and Simmons National Consumer Survey (NHCA), 28.29 million Americans used an at-home tooth whitening product in 2019. This number is expected to increase to 38.92 million in a few years.
  • Oral hygiene surveys also report 80% of Americans to strive for better and more enhanced teeth whitening. 85% of women lead the study with a desire for shiny, brighter, and healthier teeth and are more apt to take care of their teeth more often than men.
  • Americans believe that a whiter set of teeth would boost their confidence levels.
  • 82.5% of consumers report a noticeable difference after teeth whitening treatment from a professional certified dentist like those at Seattle Tacoma 32 Pearls. 100% for those who visit 32 Pearls.
  • Only 63.8% notice a difference with teeth whitening retail products.
  • 99.7% of Americans believe an attractive smile is essential in social situations.

According to oralhealthgroup.com, big money is spent by people for brighter teeth and whiter smiles. Read the fascinating reports below.

  • Americans spent 1.4 billion dollars on teeth whitening kits and teeth whitening products last year. 
  • 3.2 billion dollars are spent globally on toothpaste advertised for its tooth whitening capabilities.
  • 1.4 billion dollars is spent on at-home teeth whitening kits and supplies.
  • 630 million dollars is the predicted sales of tooth whitening products sold globally by 2021

However, using those sticky, hard to place tooth whiteners, which are cumbersome, are no substitute for what your dentist and the team at Seattle Tacoma 32 Pearls can do for you in just one to few visits.

  • Usage of store-bought teeth whitener products may not produce desired results. In effect, spending countless dollars and never achieving the results you want as you would get from the dentist will waste money.
  • At-home teeth whitening products cannot clean your teeth at home or remove tartar and plaque as deep as a dentist can reach.
  • If a dentist or professional orthodontist is not present during an at-home tooth whitening procedure, there is the risk of injury to your gums. Make sure whatever you are using as a dentist approves a tooth whitener. The staff at 32 Pearls will be happy to discuss all kinds of tooth whitening options with you.
  • You do not have to spend a lot of money for whiter teeth at your local teeth whitening experts 32 Pearls. Several financial options are available. All you have to do is call now for a consultation and meet your Seattle Tacoma Oral Hygienic Care Team at (206) 322-8862 or chat with a live associate to answer any of your questions here.

In-Office Teeth Whitening Procedure

The team at 32 Pearls first takes a look at the color of your teeth currently and makes a notation.

Pumice is a granular abrasive material, usually in a powder form that is similar to sandpaper. Your dentist will use it to remove plaque from the surface of your teeth.

The team at 32 Pearls will make sure that your mouth stays dry from saliva production with the use of gauze. Retractors or metal brackets and a barrier (usually made of plastic) holds your mouth open and keeps your tongue, cheeks, and lips away from the teeth whitening solution to avoid digestion of solution. 

The peroxide needs to be activated or left on teeth for up to 60 minutes. A light or laser helps to activate the peroxide and can make the activation take less time.

The teeth are rinsed once the desired color is accurate. Fluoride might be applied if there is sensitivity.

Food staining snacks stated above need avoidance until the whitener has time to set for about 24-36 hours.

Be sure to call 32 Pearls to find out how you can have the dazzling smile of your dreams. There are many methods and solutions that 32 Pearls offers that you may not even be aware of. Call today and be proud of your 32 Pearly whites.