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Tacoma Dental Implants

Dental implants are the best way to replace missing teeth and prepare the site for a permanent tooth. Dental implants are made from titanium, which are fused inside the jawbone. A crown or other restoration is placed on top of the implant to allow you to chew and speak as you would with natural teeth. Dental implants function like natural teeth in all chewing, biting, and dietary capacities.

Not only do dental implants look and feel just like natural teeth, but they also protect your jawbone from further deterioration. Dental implants eliminate dietary restrictions that come with missing teeth. Several different types of dental implants can be used depending on your particular case.

The proper terminology for dental implants in the dental community is endosseous implants. For now, we’ll refer to them as dental implants.

Dental implants are part of dentistry treatment for patients who have experienced permanent tooth loss. Tooth loss frequently occurs due to common problems such as:

  • Tooth loss injuries
  • Periodontal disease
  • Tooth decay

Your Implant Procedure

You will require oral surgery for a dental implant procedure. Your only job will be to relax. The team at 32 Pearls will prepare you with sedation.

We use all types of sedatives, including general anesthesia, nitrous oxide, and oral sedatives. Talk to the staff about sedation. They will be happy to discuss which sedative is right for you. 

You can also reference our page on Sedative Dentistry. Be sure to ask us any questions regarding anxiety. It’s okay to be anxious. We understand and are here to help.

32 Pearls uses state-of-the-art technology for dental implant surgery.

The surgery for dental implants is outpatient and takes place at our office. The staff at 32 Pearls are specialized in the treatment and advancement of dental implants and uses the latest in cutting-edge technology to ensure your procedure’s success.

There are three steps to getting dental implants, and not all of them will happen at the same time. Depending on the location of your surgery, the need for bone grafting, and other considerations, it may take 6-18 months before your whole procedure is finished. You can talk to the staff about the duration of your implant procedure.

Step 1 – Assessment and Preparation

The procedure for dental implants is different for every patient. In the first step, we start with assessment and preparation. We study the way your teeth have developed over time. We look at the shape of your teeth, how many teeth you have, and their arrangement. We’ll check the requirements for surgery, such as which teeth need an extraction, if your bone is damaged, if you’ll need bone grafting, and how the area will respond to treatment. The staff will take notes to formulate the plan for your procedure.

Your dentist makes an incision in your gums to cut out a tooth that’s wedged or impacted in the jaw.

  • Bone grafting (if necessary)

You might need bone grafting if the tissue in your jaw is too soft to hold an implant in place. Bone grafting is necessary because the bone is what provides the strength your mouth needs when chewing. If the area is too soft, the implant could fall out. If this is the case, the dentist takes bone from another part of your body or uses synthetic bone-substitute materials that can stimulate new bone growth.

  • CT scan

We will give you further instructions if you need a CT scan.

Step 2 – Artificial Implant Procedure

The second step is when the artificial root is positioned in place. Dental implants is an outpatient surgery that can take 3 – 6 hours (more or less).

A cut is made in the gum line to reveal the bone that will hold the dental implant. Holes are drilled into the bone where the implant will stay in place.

It takes time to heal and can take up to 6-9 months (more or less). In the time it takes to recover, the operable area begins to heal while the implant (titanium alloy), integrates with the bone tissue surrounding it. 

Step 3 – Position the Crown 

Once healing is completed, it is time to attach the abutment. The abutment is the top part of the connective piece that holds the new tooth in place. The next step is the attachment of the crown, bridge, denture, or replacement tooth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

  • Dental implants are dental replacements that feel and look natural. Dental implants serve as a substitute for natural teeth. You can bite, chew, talk, and function normally with the comfort of your new teeth.
  • Dental implants are bone-strengthening superheroes. The jaw bone weakens if a missing tooth does not get replaced. When the bone weakens, the muscles sag around the mouth into the abandoned space. An implant fills the area, strengthening the bone structure and reinforcing bone growth around the transplanted tooth.
  • Dental implants are durable. Implants commonly last a long time. (Typically over 10-15 years). Implants are titanium metal with a low density that withstands harsh elements and doesn’t corrode. 
  • Dental implants can not get cavities! Regular maintenance of implants, including brushing and flossing, still must occur to keep your gums and mouth healthy. Implants are metal and fill in the space of exposed gums. Bacteria won’t grow in the vulnerable spot, making it inconceivable to get cavities.
  • Dental implants do not slip out like dentures. Your new teeth stay secure in your mouth. Dentures are removable and can tend to fall out at the most inconvenient times. 

Are Dental Implants Right For Me?

At 32 Pearls, we are happy to sit with you during a free consultation and help you understand if dental implants are right for you. First, we’ll gather information uniquely based on your individual situation. The following is general data to help you decide if you are a good candidate.

  1. If you are missing a tooth or have lost teeth, dental implants are a great option. Dental implants are the most popular and natural alternative for teeth replacement therapy.
  2. If you care for your teeth regularly and have a basic history of oral hygiene. (That does not include everything you can’t control, such as cavities or other pesky problems.) You are a good candidate.
  3. We will check your medical history and overall physical condition to be sure you are healthy enough for surgery.
  4. We make sure your gums are healthy and can withstand an implant.
  5. A non-smoking patient heals faster. Quitting a few months before surgery is best.

You can always trust that 32 Pearls will make you comfortable and provide excellent, quality treatment for dental implants.

Please call 32 Pearls for more information regarding dental implants in Tacoma. (253) 564-7911