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Teeth Whitening Services in Tacoma – Safe, Effective


Did you know that a whopping 37 million Americans used teeth whitening products in 2020? That means people really do care about how their teeth look. Even during something as historical and monumental as Covid-19, people in lock-down thought about their dental appearance. How did that happen? Were people sitting on their couches thinking, “Well, I have plenty of time, and I can run to the store for essential items like toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and I know, teeth whitener.” If you are looking for professional teeth whitening in Tacoma, safe and effective treatment is available outside of your house. Be sure to seek a dentist for proper and professional teeth whitening because anything other could be a mistake.

Locked in their houses without social contact, people began connecting through video conferencing, which only allows viewing access to the upper body and a person’s smile.

Perhaps if people wanted to express that they were alive and surviving, they conveyed that message with proper dental hygiene. “Well, Bob is still alive, and his teeth look awesome.”

teeth whitening, inappropriate use, overuse. 37 million Americans used teeth whitening products during Covid.

Why else would people buy so many teeth whitening products during Covid? Since active ingredients in teeth whitening products are mainly bleaching agents like hydrogen peroxide, perhaps some folks thought it would be a great way to combat Covid. See CDC Stat report on why drinking cleaning products kill.

Reckless use of teeth whitening causes damage.

People are addicted to beauty. They go nuts if they can get their hands on something that is only provided by a professional. Teeth whitening products are one of those items. People do not realize that if something is cheaper than doing it the right way, most likely it’s risky. The cosmetic industry recognizes this and purposely markets to these beauty-seeking individuals. Beauty salons also get in on the game by offering teeth whitening services—provided by no one with any dental training whatsoever.

Teeth whitening products are dangerous if used inappropriately. Reckless use of teeth whiteners includes overuse, using the product incorrectly, and not monitoring the overall performance of the procedure. If the person administering the teeth whitening product is not a dentist, they will not know if permanent damage occurs. 

In the U.K., beauty salons sell illegal teeth whitening products regulated by the BDA (British Dental Association.) 

The BBC News reports.“The British Dental Association (BDA) says whitening is perfectly safe if carried out by a registered dental professional. But the BDA warns that anyone else won’t have the right training or knowledge and could cause permanent damage to your teeth and gums.”  

The problem with over-the-counter teeth whitening is that patients have to keep paying for it to see any results and these results quickly fade. 

Teeth whitening has also become regulated in the United States as well.

People seem to think dental work is an activity anyone can do. They don’t consider the years of schooling and the knowledge dentists have to do their job. You wouldn’t stitch your own wound. Why would you take dentistry into your own hands? 

Patients may think, “Well, all a dentist does is use the same products I can buy in the store.” 

Patients need to see their dentists for professional teeth whitening.

Dentists only use state-of-the-art and professional-grade dental products that are not sold in stores. A dentist won’t charge over and over again after already providing you with treatment. Dentists might need to apply a few treatments or even several to get the correct color to match. However, because there are many different methods to whiten teeth, a dentist knows which treatment is safest and most effective for you. Only a trained dentist will know if there are possible complications that could arise from treatment. 

verywellHealth.com explains. “In-office teeth whitening is not an altogether complicated procedure, but it does require skill to avoid injury to the gingival (gum) area.”  

We are not telling you that you have to avoid all over-the-counter teeth whitening products. We do hope that you will follow the directions accordingly and ask us for recommendations. Best yet, please call us for safe and effective teeth whitening services.

32 Pearls offers professional teeth whitening options in Tacoma.

When you look for teeth whitening services near me, you will find 32 Pearls is your best choice. 

  • Teeth whitening is free when you receive Invisalign teeth straightening treatment.
  • Ask about teeth whitening services when you visit for a cleaning.

Call us today to schedule your cleaning and teeth whitening appointment. Contact us or call (253) 564-7911

32 Pearls Dentistry

32 Pearls – Seattle and Tacoma’s #1 Invisalign, Family, Cosmetic, and Implant Dental Practice

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